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November 2006 Archives

November 3, 2006

Comedy of errors

Post about food will have to wait for another time. Recipe for comedy, stay up all night dreaming about your future and how amazing it will be and then when it's time to send in your resume for the job, have the internet crash on you. On the way to the basement trying to fix the internet, pass by a puddle of water in your kitchen. Look up at ceiling and realize that faucet you installed a couple days ago has slowly been leaking water. Look at the clock. You now have an hour and a half to fix the internet, fix the faucet, get a haircut, shower, pack, and meet the shuttle outside your house. Try not to freak out. Have your girlfriend call you a few moments after you realize how much water is in the bathroom. Tell her you really can't talk right now and oh my god, there is so much water, what am I going to do. And I still have to get a haircut. Hang up. Try to fix the faucet. Fix the faucet. Spill water everywhere. Call her back, apologize for being snippy and tell her you love her. Go to the kitchen wipe up all the water. Run out the door. Get your hair cut. You have no idea whether or not he missed a spot, you really don't care, just cut something, anything, oh my god look at the clock. Jump in the shower and decide that despite how much stuff you have to do and the fact that you still have to pack, write a blog entry. After you write the blog entry and submit it, sigh, close your laptop, toss it into your bag, hop unto the shuttle to the airport. Get there just in time. Check in. Get on. Ask the stewardess for glass of wine, because you're going to the Dominican Republic for a week for a wedding and you have been looking forward to this for a really, really long time.

November 16, 2006

República Dominicana: Part I

The Newlyweds

I haven't seen the sun in a day and a half because it has been raining constantly and I have had the floor lamp in my room constantly on "high" in an attempt to reproduce some semblance of tropical weather. Last week, I had the opportunity to be a wedding photographer at my Uncle Peter's wedding in the Dominican Republic. At first, I was bit intimdated by the task set before me because you really only have a couple hours to take the pictures that are supposed to last a lifetime. However, I just jumped in, kept the shutter going and came out with some shots that the newlyweds were quite pleased with.

DSCF8461Everything's set...DSCF8493DSCF8499

Click here to view all the photos

The wedding ceremony was breezy, fun, and casual. Nearly everyone was barefoot in the sand and we were surrounded by the ocean and palm trees. There was a small crowd of tourists gathered nearby taking pictures and videos of the wedding and topless women casually strolled by in the background. But the children didn't notice, they were busy digging holes in the sand.

November 21, 2006

A turning point

I wish I could say that my lack of posting lately is the result of being busy with schoolwork, but to be honest, I have simply found myself occupied with life. I spend most of my days reading, cleaning, and cooking; in the evenings, I browse the internet and watch my newfound Season Six DVDs of CSI. At times, I feel a twinge of guilt for not being more productive or doing something to further develop myself as an individual, but that feeling usually goes away after I have a few slices of dried mango. Shut up and enjoy the evening. Mmm mango.

At the end of the night, after I kiss Jenny good night and exchange I love yous, I lay in the darkness and think. In December, I will be officially graduating and I am presented with the prospect of looking for full-time employment. But I know that I will not be content with that. That's the type of person I am. There are a few exceptions to that, but for the most part, my joie de vivre will be crushed in a regular full-time job. So what's the solution? Go entrepreneurial.

Each summer, I tell my students that never before has so much opportunity lay before them and that they should seek to live out their dreams. Now it's time to live out my own. There are some big things on the horizon that I can't blog about for the time being. But when they happen, I'll share it here.

November 24, 2006


The words don't seem to come as easily as they did in the past. I hold back a lot more and every time I write, it's a struggle to let loose and let my words fly with reckless abandon. To date, I still have not reflected very much on the experience of biking across Canada and my attempt to take on Nanowrimo this month has been abysmal and unless I sequester myself and punch out 8,000 words a day for 6 days, it doesn't look like I'll be making the 50,000 word mark. I'll just do 100,000 words next year.

About November 2006

This page contains all entries posted to Perpetual Stroll in November 2006. They are listed from oldest to newest.

October 2006 is the previous archive.

December 2006 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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