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December 2006 Archives

December 4, 2006

When the headache sets in, I know it's been a good night...

My posts here are still sporadic because I really can't find the words that I'm looking for. I haven't been sleeping much lately. At first, it started off just staying up late into the night browsing the internet and absorbing news articles and blogs. But then I found myself pushing my physical limits more frequently and staying up because after a few hours of total silence, something happens.

Everything is still for a really long time, and then suddenly, my mind starts racing. I lay on my bed and just let it wander, touching upon everything from total absurdities to utter seriousness. It's as close as I can get to a waking dream, just thinking about all the possibilities in every aspect of my life. Oftentimes, there are reflections on business ideas or new inventions, but in the last few days, my thoughts have just been simple meditations on my life. I've been asking myself how I fit into this world. How do I look beyond making money and really create or contribute something of value to this world?

December 5, 2006

The letter from Antarctica

Last week, I received a letter in the mail with familiar handwriting on the envelope. It was my own. I vaguely remembered writing a letter to myself last year while sailing back to Argentina from Antarctica. Writing a letter to yourself is an activity that is often found in many programs ranging from summer camps to personal development seminars. It helps to put things in perspective and to reflect on where you have come from and where you have gone.

As I unfolded the sheet of paper inside, a $20 bill fell out. I have been writing letters to myself for about 10 years and each time, I enclose some money. You often forget about the letter and when you have $20 randomly arrive in your mailbox amidst all the bills, it's something to make you smile.

Dear Jason,

You are currently going across the Drake Passage and trying hard not to be sick. But this is all part of the epic adventure, right? The trials and tribulations that must be endured and suffered before the great reward may be found. I went to Antarctica and lost many material things. About the only thing I did find was myself. I found myself not so cynical and and reinspired about what is possible in this world. As I stood gazing over the Antarctic wilderness, I felt part of something. More connected to the Earth than I have been before. This was a reminder that anything is possible. That dreams count for something and that if you only hold onto them, they may one day be fulfilled.

The universe conspires with us to unite us with our innermost desires.

What's next? Biking across Canada. By the time I receive this letter, I want to have biked across Canada and fulfilled another dream. I've met some truly amazing people on this expedition. People both young and hold who are passionate about what they do and refuse to accept the status quo. Crazy people who believe they can change the world, because they will.

Remember the feelings you experienced. How, at times, you were moved to tears by the sheer beauty of everything. The beauty of Antarctica, of people, and of life itself.

What is the value of dreamers? Those whose heads are not in this world, but one that exists only in their minds. A vision of something better. They see possibilities. The world is one to shape and change, not simply a place to live, make money, and die. It's time to reassess my life dreams and never to give up on them.

Continue to teach. Get that PhD one day. Start something big. Something influential. Write a book. Live. Love. Laugh.

Live long. Love deeply. Laugh loudly.

Take Care.

About December 2006

This page contains all entries posted to Perpetual Stroll in December 2006. They are listed from oldest to newest.

November 2006 is the previous archive.

August 2007 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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