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Swedish delight

I've only been back home for a week and I've somehow managed to pack my schedule for the next three weeks with appointments, work and other commitments. In the meantime, the blog posts are going to be short. Earlier this month, a couple of Swedish students moved into the house and they have turned out to be right up there on the list of the top 10 roommates list (to date, I've lived with nearly 25 different people). They're fun, they're talkative and they clean up after themselves. I can't ask for too much more.

A couple of days ago, I showed them how to use the washing machine, which is top-loading. When the agitator started spinning, a smile spread across Johan's face and he excitedly called Per to witness this North American contraption. They had only seen side-loading machines before and so they both stood there laughing and staring in fascination at their clothes swished around. It's moments like these that make living with international students so much fun.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 16, 2006 3:14 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Revisiting the raison d'etre.

The next post in this blog is Close your eyes coffee.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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